At Outdoor Country, we offer a wide range of outdoor gear to help you enjoy the great outdoors. We've got everything you need to make your trip a success. Our team of experts is always on hand to answer any questions you may have and help make your next trip better than the last!
My name is Hudson Barineau and I shot my first buck on Friday December 29, 2005 with my trusty .243 Sako bolt action rifle. This 9 point buck weighed 102 lbs and was aged at 5 ½ years old. I was hunting on the El Sauz Ranch in Willacy County. Mom, dad and my sister had corn fed the roads earlier that morning and th
We have a full line of hunting clothes and accessories. Our knife department is also stocked with all the major brands including: Eye Brand, Puma, Case, Gerber, and Roadrunner knives from Harold Coleman. Made with D2 tool steel these knives offer the best steel available in the world today. And don't forget, you get lifetime sharpening with these knives should they ever become dull. He also builds the best filet knife in the world. Made from 440 stainless Mr. Coleman's filet knife will take the meat off the bone and separate the skin just like butter. I have owned everybody's filet knife and this is the best in the world.
We make hunting easy! We carry a complete line of camouflage clothes at Outdoor Country. We have the new GameGuard Camo and Brush Country apparel. From underwear to overalls we can fit you with the best hunting clothes in Texas. We stock Snakeguardz for guaranteed snake bite protection.